Jessica Chávez

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7 Social Media Marketing Tips to get noticed as a Portrait Photographer

Sunset Portrait Photography of Puerto Rican Actress María Gabriela. Photographed by Yeya Monroig.

Hey friend!

First, I want to say Happy Holidays! This is one of my favorite seasons of the year. It brings out happiness and joy from the people around me, it has a special energy that moves people to be joyful and giving. Since it’s the holidays, many people want to capture this special moment with their loved ones or maybe capture who they are before beginning a new year. Because of that, I wanted to write a short blog about a few tips, that will definitely get you on the right step to bring new people as clients.

As a portrait photographer, it's important to differentiate yourself in a crowded market and attract potential clients. With so many photographers to choose from, it can be tough to get noticed and stand out, heck! it can even be overwhelming and discouraging to see so much competition. But, with the right marketing strategies, you can showcase your unique style and skills and attract a steady stream of clients.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next step, these marketing tips will help you get noticed and grow your portrait photography business. As a photographer, social media is one of the most important tools for attracting new clients and growing your business. It acts as a way to present yourself to the online world as a professional, but also acts as a hybrid between your portfolio and how you communicate as a business. So, it is very important to be decisive and confident with how and what you communicate through you social media platforms.

Portrait Photograph of Actress & Influencer Jearnest Corchado. Photographed by Yeya Monroig.

Here are 7 Tips for using Social Media to attract more clients as a Portrait Photographer:

  1. Choose the right platforms:

    It's important to choose the social media platforms that are most relevant to your target audience and where you are most likely to reach potential clients. For portrait photographers, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are often the most effective, but! I wouldn’t leave out TikTok, there is always a chance to go viral there.

    Instagram is a visual platform that is particularly well-suited for showcasing your portfolio, but also it is a great way to express your voice as a portrait photographer and get clients to know you better.

    While Facebook is a great platform for connecting with potential clients and sharing updates about your business, it is also one of the biggest databases for user interaction and business, so you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to lock down new clients.

    Pinterest is a great platform for inspiration and can be a valuable source of referral traffic to your website. This is still a very underrated platform to get your work out there, since so many people are constantly looking for inspiration for their wedding or their next photo session, you can catch those eyeballs by posting your best content.

  2. Create a professional Instagram profile:

    This is one of the most important tips! Your social media profile is often the first impression a potential client has of your business, so it's important to make it count. If you decide to push with Instagram, which I would highly recommend as a portrait photographer, then you have 5 chances to impress that potential client and let them know why you are the best choice for them. In your Instagram you NEED to answer these questions in order:

    • Your Business Name - Add a Keyword beside.

    • Emoji + answer: Why should I follow you?

    • Emoji + answer: How can you help me?

    • Emoji + answer: Where do I go for more info?

    • Then you include a link to your website and contact information so potential clients can easily get in touch. Or if you created a sales funnel, you should add you funnel in the Bio.

    This is the most effective way to catch your potential client’s eye as soon as they land in your Instagram Page. Now you can go do some research on other photographers to see how they organize their Bio.

  3. Share your Portrait Photography work:

    Social media is the perfect platform to showcase your portfolio and attract new clients. Since you are a Portrait Photographer, you need to make sure to always use High-Quality media, this way you make sure to present your art the best way possible.

    Use hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts and interact with other photographers and potential clients. Make sure that every now and then you explore those hashtags and engage with other people using them.

    Share a mix of posed and candid images, as well as behind-the-scenes shots to give your followers a peek into your process. This kind of content develops a closer relationship with you followers and potential clients, but also gives you authority points, by allowing people to see how a Professional Portrait Photographer creates their work.

  4. Engage with your audience:

    Social media is about building relationships and connecting with your audience. Make an effort to interact with your followers and respond to comments and messages in a timely manner. You can also use social media to ask for reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients, which can be a powerful marketing tool. Consider using polls or surveys to gather feedback and learn more about your audience.

  5. Utilize paid advertising:

    While organic reach on social media can be limited, paid advertising allows you to target specific audiences and increase the visibility of your posts. You can use Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads to reach potential clients in your area who are interested in portrait photography. Set clear goals for your ads and track your results to see what is most effective. The trickiest part of paying Ads is tracking which Ads are working and then doubling down on those, but the ones that are moving slow, you should stop them as soon as possible. This way you keep track of what type of content and copywriting works for which targets.

  6. Collaborate with other photographers and creative professionals:

    Collaborating with other portrait photographers and creative professionals in your area can help you reach a wider audience and attract new clients. This is one of the best organic traffic sources to engage with other audiences and bring value to your own audience.

    Consider partnering with other photographers or vendors to offer joint promotions or special packages. You could design a series of content where your photography and the vendor’s product get showcased, this will give light to your skills as a photographer while presenting the product in a creative and professional way.

    Collaborations can also be a great way to learn from and inspire each other to keep creating and connecting audiences, this is the true power of social media networking.

  7. Offer special promotions and discounts:

    Social media is a great platform for offering special promotions and discounts to your followers. This can be a powerful marketing tool to attract new clients and show appreciation to your current clients. This is called a Lead Magnet or any piece of content that gives free value or offer a significant discount, in exchange of their email or instant booking.

    You can offer discounts on portrait sessions, prints, or other products, or you can create special packages or bundles. Just make sure to set clear terms and conditions and promote your promotions effectively to maximize their impact. You can use social media to announce your promotions and share them with your followers.

By following these tips, you can effectively leverage social media to attract more clients as a portrait photographer.

Key Takeways

  • Remember to choose the right platforms.

  • Create a professional profile.

  • Share your work.

  • Engage with your audience

  • Utilize paid advertising to reach potential clients.

  • Use offers and promotions to attract new clients.

With a little effort and strategic planning, you can effectively use social media to grow your portrait photography business. Like any great service business, it will always take time to develop authority, trust and get established as the go-to portrait photographer in your area. But, you can never skip the most important step, which is to… START NOW!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog! I look forward to sharing more on being a portrait photographer.

Stay tuned for the next blog post!

xx, Yeya