Jessica Chávez

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A New Year Awaits Us! 2023 is here

This is me! Self-Portrait by Yeya Monroig.

It's time to celebrate and reflect as the year 2023 begins. As photographers, we have a unique opportunity to capture and document the world around us, and it's important to reflect on what we've accomplished in the last year.

Let’s do a short exercise! Take a moment to breathe in and breathe out. Between breaths, think about those moments that really made a mark this year, remember it and visualize more of those this new year.

New Year 2023! Be the best version of You.

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, and it's easy to forget to stop and appreciate everything we've accomplished. However, the start of a new year is an excellent time to reflect on all of the hard work and dedication we put into our craft in 2022. It's important to take a moment to appreciate our own hard work and all the progress we've made, whether it was finally mastering a new technique, landing a dream client, or simply creating beautiful images that brought joy to others.

The new year, however, is also a time for reflection and introspection. It's a chance to look back on the previous year, identify any challenges or setbacks, and consider how we can grow as photographers by learning from them. It's a fresh start, a chance to let go of any negativity or stress and approach the new year with a positive and motivated attitude.

As we start the new year, it's also a great time to set new goals and envision all the amazing opportunities that the year ahead may bring. Whether it's expanding our business, taking on new types of projects, or simply learning something new, the possibilities are endless! It's important to dream big and set ambitious goals for ourselves, but it's also important to be realistic and break those goals down into smaller more achievable steps.

One of the most exciting things about the new year is the chance to try new things and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. This could mean experimenting with different genres of photography, exploring new locations, or collaborating with other creatives. The key is to stay open to new experiences and embrace the unknown. Who knows what amazing opportunities and adventures the new year will bring?

Above all, the new year is a time to rejoice and enjoy oneself. Photography should bring you joy and fulfillment rather than stress and frustration. We can approach our work with a fresh perspective and renewed sense of passion if we focus on the positive and let go of any negative energy. I know… I know it can be very frustrating to not get the clients you want or get paid the rate you know you deserve, BUT it is a process of planning and working towards that goal.

As the new year arrives, let's embrace a happy and introspective attitude and make the most of all the opportunities it has to offer. Here's to a year filled with creativity, growth, and joy! To more and better clients! To creativity, passion and success!

Cheers to this new year!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog! I look forward to sharing more on being a portrait photographer.

Stay tuned for the next blog post!

xx, Yeya

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